Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My special Meal

I have received some emails asking if the only thing I received for my birthday was a fortune cookie. (This had me LOL!) I asked my husband to put my birthday meal off until July 23rd. The Twin's birthday was Wednesday, we than went to the Water park Saturday. I than had to have the boy's ready for camp Sunday at 1:00 p.m. My husband always makes me Chicken Parmesan (My favorite meal) and homemade Carrot cake for desert for my special meal.

A side thought

As I was thinking about your emails today, I remember one Valentine's day, an old boy friend gave me a thing of strawberries and one rose. Instead of being grateful, I was angry. It should have been the thought that counted, but to get strawberries, I didn't even get chocolate to dip them in. I got mad because I thought the guy was trying to tell me I needed to lose weight. (I am sure the women can relate a little to this)I know now that he was trying to be romantic, but at the time, I thought he was a big jerk!
On my birthday or special occasion I like to eat junk or something fattening! I never told this man why I was upset. It makes me laugh (Not funny, ha,ha)(Sad, selfish laugh) today thinking about how awful I was.

After 20 years of marriage I don't have to tell my husband that I want the good stuff for my birthday/special events.

I will get my nice big fattening dinner and desert on Sunday.
I also asked for an oriental rug for my living room. Our living room has hardwood flooring in it.

I'll write about it Sunday, after my husband goes to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.