Monday, December 11, 2006

The rest of the Story

Life has sure been interesting for me the past week. I first want to finish my story from last Tuesday.

After Bo’s little discipleship lesson on the way to school. I called my daughter-in-law to tell what our two boys have been up to. She told me she had a long talk with Josh about other people being less fortunate then he is. How some children might not get very many toys or anything at all for Christmas? She said my grandson started collecting money from people so he could give it to Terra for her children. I told my husband about Bo and Josh wanting to collect money to give to my niece’s family and he told me he just had talk with our boys about the same thing and that he was going to ask me if I wanted to give money to Terra. I guess what we are going to do is put our money together for Terra and the children and Jess will take Terra shopping so she can buy some things for the children, and others. They might need food? Whatever our money will get them.

Terra called me Saturday told me that her husband was able to call her Saturday. I guess he had to run for sometime to be aloud to call her. This might seem rough but Praise the Lord that he only hurt his friend in that accident and didn’t kill him. This boot camp that they sent him to is supposed to be one of the roughest in the State. I think this is wonderful! He shouldn’t have just gotten a slap on the hand. He could have killed someone or himself. Terra said that he passed his GED last week. This was a requirement before he could get out of Jail. They are going to have a ceremony for him on December 19th before he gets out. I’m going!


Carole Burant said...

Children are certainly never too young to learn that there are those more unfortunate than them and what a good feeling it gives if you can help out, no matter what small way! It's wonderful that you are all collecting some money to provide Terra and her children a lovely Christmas!!

Barb said...

I'm sure Terra is going to appreciate anything you do at all for her. It's so hard to be without means of giving your children Christmas. You and your family are a blessing to her.