Friday, February 09, 2007

It's the Weekend

I had a great morning with Jack yesterday. After buying him a popcorn popper, I brought him back to Nana's house to make popcorn and watch Spider Man. The popcorn popper was very easy to use. Jack made the popcorn all by himself with a little help from his Nana. He was so excited! It was so much fun, he didn't want to leave and I didn't want him to go.

Worship team practice was a lot of fun! Two of my best friends are on the Worship Team I sing on. It equals out to FUN, Fellowship and Worship. I get to serve the Lord and have a wonderful time doing it. Isn't that the way it is suppose to be. I just can't wait until I get to heaven, I get to be with the people I love and sing praises to our awesome Lord and Savior for eternity. What a wonderful thing to look forward to.

I work at my house cleaning job this morning, the Route this afternoon. Tonight is a free night! New Nexflex movies are suppose to come in the mail today, I am looking forward to spending a nice evening at home with my family.


  1. Sounds like a fun time was had with your little grandson:-) I'll never forget the first time my boys saw me make popcorn...I had to sit them on the counter to watch because they were so fascinated! lol Enjoy your nice relaxing evening!!! Hugs xox

  2. I'm glad to know you get to have a relaxing evening once in a while!! You are such a busy lady - and such a giving lady. Sounds like you had lots of fun with your grandson.
    Enjoy the evening!

  3. hope you have agreat weekend

  4. Pes, Linda and Jel,

    Thank you for your comments. The weekend went o.k. just lots to do.
