Thursday, November 02, 2006

Finally a free Night!

I took 3 of my boys out for Halloween with my oldest son and daughter-in-law. Bo was a Scientist (He says Evil) and J & J the twins were football players. My oldest Grandson was a Scientist like Bo and Jack was a Chicken. (A very cute chicken) The kids all got two bags of candy each. It was a fun time for all of us.

I finally feel back to normal, I have energy to spare. (I always get myself in trouble when this happens)

I have no idea how this happened, but I was working in Awana minding my own business working with my young girls and the Commander came up and asked the girls if they knew of a good singer that could sing the National Anthem at our Awana Grand Prix on Saturday. I thought if I ignored him he would go away, it didn't work. He said he didn't want to put any pressure on anyone but if someone would step forward and say "She" will do it he would be free to leave. After the Worship Fest, I told myself I wasn't going to sing for a week. That is not going to happen now, I need to print out the sheet music and start practicing tomorrow. The Grand Prix is on Saturday.

Yes, I volunteered! I really have no idea how I get myself into these things. I am really very happy to use my talents God has given me anyway he desires for me too.

I have tonight "FREE" it will be so great to have a night to do nothing. I really want to get outside and rake the leaves. The fall colors are so beautiful and the temp in the day isn't too bad. I think before it gets to cold I'll spend sometime outdoors tonight.

I have my wonderful grandchildren over today so I think I am going to go enjoy them. They are sitting with Bo eating their breakfast right now but I hear a lot of noise coming from the kitchen, I'd better run and see what is going on.


  1. Oh man. That's the hardest song in the world to sing. More power to you. I'd have a heart attack if I had to do that. And so would everyone within hearing distance.

  2. Wish I could have seen he kids! :)
    Glad you're getting some slow time.

  3. Enjoy your time with your grandchildren.
    I could never sing that song in front of a crowd!

  4. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Wow free time. I love when this happens. Have a nice time with the grandchildren.

  5. Sounds like you've recharged your batteries a bit!! It was sweet of you to volunteer (or allow yourself to be drafted I think). I know you'll do a great job. Enjoy the grandkiddies. They are such fun aren't they?

  6. barb,

    The good thing about singing the National Anthem with no music is you can start out in any key you want. You can make it fit your voice. : )
    I almost did have a heart attack when our Commander over Awana drop every hint he could to get me to say I would sing.

    I will admit I have never been asked to sing the National Anthem before now.

    J. Andrew Lockhart,

    J. the kids were very cute! My daughter-in-law found Bo a long white coat to wear. We put old reading glasses on him and other things that made him look like a scientist. I didn't know my 12 year old twins wanted to go so I had to come up with something for them on the fly. Jack the little chicken was adorable. I got to go up to the houses with him because he is only 3. My son and daughter-in-law are very good about making me a big part of the kids lives. They were all so polite to everyone. I was very impressed with all the kids.


    I really did enjoy my grandchildren today. I'll let you know how the song goes.


    I had a wonderful evening! I even laid down and took a nap before I went off to work.


    I do feel recharged! I guess at 43 years old I don't want to say no to anything. I might never get another chance to sing the National Anthem again. I did enjoy by little darlings.
    Yes, they are a lot of fun.

  7. I'm sure you'll sing like an angel. I pray it all goes well for you tomorrow!
